For the first time, adeor uses pure 925 Sterling Silver for its nxt™ non-stick technology. An alloy with a very high silver content (92.5 % pure silver) and unsurpassed thermal and electrical conductivity. Thanks to these superior thermal conductivity properties, our bipolar instruments offer the industry-leading nxt™ non-stick effect.
Another advantage of our forceps is gained through the polishing process of the silver tips. This further increases the non-stick effect and also facilitates the cleaning and reprocessing procedures.
Suction and irrigation forceps
The adeor nxt™ line of bipolar forceps also includes non-stick suction as well as irrigation forceps which combine our premium bipolar forceps technology with suction or irrigation capability.
Bipolar cables and accessories
For the production of our nxt™ slimline bipolar cable, we use a specially developed manufacturing process. The Santropene™ components are directly sprayed onto the cable, resulting in an ultra-slim connector profile. A further benefit of this manufacturing technology is the guaranteed tightness of the cable, thereby ensuring a superior durability and long lifetime.
The nxt™ slimline bipolar cables offer a perfect ergonomical addition to every bipolar forceps on the market. The ultra-slim connector profile leads to a seamless extension of the forceps, without restricting the surgeon. Angled bipolar cables become redundant.